9th January
Reopened Tuesday 6th January after Christmas Holidays. Nearly all present except in sick cases. Attendance Officer visited on 7th January.
30th January Attendance Officer visited Thursday.
6th February
Letter sent to Secretary ref: H Freeman's unbroken attendance for his whole school course.
13th February
The Attendance Officer visited school on Wednesday.
19th March
I was away from School 2 hours on Wednesday on Parish business. Miss Woodward took charge during my absence. The Correspondent visited schools on Tuesday. New registers issued previous to next school year.
26th March
I was away from School on Wednesday afternoon by permission of managers, on Parish business. Miss Woodward took charge during my absence. A few children were away on Tuesday afternoon. Point to point races. Medical register forwarded to Aylesbury on Saturday last.
31st March
School closed this afternoon for Easter Holidays. Received exempt certificate this morn for Harry Freeman, Herbert Davis and Leonard Haylor. Harry Freeman has had an unbroken attendance during his school career of 8 years.
16th April
Reopened School on Tuesday 13th April after Easter Holidays. All present. Major Farrer visited school on Wednesday. 13 were transferred on Tuesday from Infants Department.
23rd April
HMI of Schools Reeves Esq. visited school on Tuesday and remained all day. He suggested script writing should be taught and this was commenced at once.
30th April
Attendance Officer visited on Wednesday.
7th May
I was away from school for one and a half hours on Tuesday attending Audit.
19th May
HMI Report received today - Copy of report:
" The head master makes much earnest effort both in the general supervision of the School and in the teaching of his own class. In this class useful points of procedure are noticeable and the more mechanical parts of the work are done with considerable success. Arithmetic is generally accurate, but easy tests disclosed some weakness in the method of dealing with problems and a good deal of effective correction in detail is still needed in Composition. Oral lessons are intelligently given but continued care is needed to avoid very limited forms of questions, so as to give reasonable opportunity for full and individual answering. The delivery of the reading and oral answers should be more forcible confident and clear. The Junior class receives bright and stimulating teaching and makes fairly good progress on the whole. The new Standard I appears to be more backward than usual in some respects, particularly in responding to the oral teaching and persistent effort will be needed to improve the class in this respect.
Infant Class
The infants group is in general quite creditably handled and in many respects the children receive suitable training. Some of the Reading is pretty good and Drawing and Writing are also fairly well don. Number and other oral lessons have not been so successful this year, and the teacher should endeavour to develop freer and more general response."
21st May
Close this afternoon for Whit Holidays. Empire Day observed according to scheme of Circular.
4th June
Reopened on Tuesday after Whit Holiday. All but one (ill) present. Received various forms from Education Officer on Wednesday, one re night classes.
11th June
Attendance Officer visited school on Wednesday. Commenced new Note Book in School yesterday. Pictures and building bricks not yet received.
2nd July
The Attendance Officer visited school on Tuesday.
23rd July
The Attendance Officer visited school yesterday.
30th July
Close this afternoon for Harvest Holidays
10th September
Reopened on Tuesday after Harvest holidays.
24th September
The Attendance Officer visited school on Tuesday.
1st October
The Attendance Officer visited school on Tuesday.
8th October
Medical Forms forwarded to Medical Officer. Attendance no better this week.
29th October
Holidays given on Monday & Tuesday afternoons for Village Feast.
5th November
Miss Woodward was away on Monday by permission of the Managers.
3rd December
Miss Woodward has tendered her resignation this week
17th December
Inclement weather has greatly lowered the attendance this week.
20th December
The Correspondent visited this morning and stated that Miss Woodward had been released by the Education Committee from serving out her notice of resignation.
23rd December
As I have had no assistance this week it was impossible to adhere to Timetable though this was done as far as possible. Close this afternoon for Christmas Holidays. |