3.1.90 School opened for the Spring Term. 2 transfers in N.O.R. 176.

4.1.90 22 new entrants admitted to school today.

7.3.90 Derek Woodward (Development section County Hall) visited re: future plans for kitchen conversion.

25.4.90 23 five year olds admitted to school on full time basis - Class 8 newly formed. Class taken by Mrs Sudworth.

26.4.90 11 "Rising 5's" admitted in the morning to Class 8. 12 "Rising 5's" admitted in the afternoon to class 8. N.O.R. 246.

16.5.90 Over the past 2 days we have had money/cheque books and cards stolen from teachers handbags in classrooms.

25.6.90 P.C. Sheldon our new community policeman introduced to children in assembly, involved with classes too.

10.7.90 Pat Miles from Holne Chase Computer Centre visited to discuss I.T. plans for next year, computer hard and soft ware.

The following entries are written by Helen Campbell who was Acting Head for the Autumn Term.

5.9.90 Children were greeted by staff in the playground and brought into school. A happy, calm start to the day.

1.10.90 Today our school office computer was installed.

18.12.90 Two architects came to measure the kitchen/dining area so that plans can be drawn up for conversion. What a day to come!! I attended the Middle School carols and had tea!!

19.12.90 The last day of term - always rather sad to see all the decorations come down before Christmas. Everyone has really worked hard this term. Carole and I are now Computer Literate and the challenges we have faced were approached in a very determined manner. We all deserve a restful and peaceful break. On a personal note I would like to add how much I have enjoyed this term as Acting Headteacher. I have had splendid support from Governors, staff and parents. Links with the Middle School have been developed and strengthened. The PTA is flourishing and the bank balance in credit. (The School Fund and budget is also in credit!) So it is in good cheer that I hand back the school to Mrs Julia Tyler and send her all the good wishes for 1991. I look forward to working with her in the new year - I only wish we could both be the Head!

Helen Campbell - 19th December 1990.