A Brief History of Wavendon First School
School log, Friends of the School, and Milton Keynes impact
Involvement with local community

The school has always maintained strong links with the local community. As a Church of England school, the local vicar has been a regular feature of school life for the pupils, taking assembly once a week either in the school or across the road in St Mary's church and acting as a school governor.

Cooking a meal for 'VIP's'

Prior to the advent of the National Curriculum, each week,the older children invited a local 'VIP' , usually being the vicar, a governor or parent to the school for a meal. The children wrote a letter of invitation to the individual concerned and when the reply was received, the children would stand up in assembly and read out the letters to the rest of the school. The children would cook the meal themselves, lay a table and sit with their guest entertaining them.

Entertaining senior citizens

Once a year the leavers would cook cakes and sing songs for the senior citizens.

Extracts from the log book maintained by the head teacher from 1966 to 1991

May 31 1977

“The children performed their musical concert for the Senior Citizens during the afternoon. The members thoroughly enjoyed the childrens’ performance and several of them joined in again in the evening when the children repeated their performance for parents and friends in the village”

Dec 12 1978 Involvement with the local community

“The children gave a good performance of their nativity music and carol singing to the senior citizens. Afterwards, tea and cakes were served to the senior citizens by the eight children leaving at the end of the term. All the cakes and shortbread had been baked by the children the previous day with the help of a group of parents. It was very successful.”

Although the children no longer cook cakes for the senior citizens, the tradition of singing at Christmas time has been maintained.

The Stables

The older children benefit from the use of the Dankworth's swimming pool which began in 1980.

March 18 1980 Use of the Dankworth’s pool

Mr and Mrs J Dankworth have kindly offered the school the use of the swimming pool for one afternoon per week.

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A Brief History of
Wavendon First School
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School log, Friends of
the School, and MK impact