The first fire to have the benefit of the new engine was the Unionist Club in ST Johns Street on 26th December 1912. The new engine was also horse drawn. But in 1918 the owner of the horses which were stabled next to the fire station by this time, decided for reasons of his own that he no longer wanted to make them available which meant the heavy steamer would have to be manhandled when it was required. Luckily the Situation was solved when Lady Ferrar of Chichely Hall gave the Brigade permanent loan of her Daimler car (which had just arrived back from Africa), which was as much a benefit to Lady Ferrar as it was to the Brigade as her home was cover by the Newport Brigade.
The Daimler which was incidentally a Salmons bodied car, (Salmons Motors were on the site of todays Aston Martin) was able to tow the Lovat with ease, and had the added advantage of extra seats, so not only could the firemen on the engine attended the fires but also the firemen that could travel in the car.