In 1985 when the diary starts, the Headteacher was Julia Tyler, here are some of her recordings in the Log Book.
12.12.85 The second of our two carol concerts took place in the afternoon. It was very well attended by parents and governors. A voluntary collection in aid of the Colombian Volcano disaster appeal fund raised £67.80. Following the break-in it appears that our cassette/record player has been stolen. The children watched an entertaining performance of "Mother Goose" presented by "Star Puppets"
16.12.85 Childrens Christmas party in the afternoon. Entertainment provided by "Cornelius and Jones" - Traditional Punch and Judy show.
17.12.85 Mrs. B. King (Next term's temp teacher for Class 6) visited for the day. January new entrants visited their classes in the afternoon. I spoke to the parents about the school.

19.12.85 The children enjoyed another short video film loaned by one of the parents. I visited M.K. office to look at Deputy Headship applications.

20.12.85 Term ended today with a final assembly. Mrs Pursell and baby daughter attended.