Lessons and Activities

Apart from the daily English and Maths work, Mrs. Willet (and Mrs. Spicer) provided a range of other lessons and activities. In the classroom there were toys such as the sand pit (a favourite with the boys) a wooden truck, cotton reels, building blocks, beads, puzzles, a cot, a pram and a dolly called Rosebud.

Agnes Stephenson remembers Rosebud

Children could also do drawing, knitting and clay modeling.

The school had a Maypole and the children enjoyed country dancing.

P.E. was taken on King George's field (behind the school).

Pictured below are Old Bradwell Infants with their Easter Baskets, Hazel Smith rememberd this activity. "Mrs. Willet would put a few sweets in each basket, which was a real luxury."
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