A voluminous return has just been issued by the London School Board which is interesting all over the country, as it shows what became of the boys and girls who left the schools during the year ending May 31 1894.

Taking first the boys who left the senior departments of the schools. They numbered in all 51,393.
242 went to truant schools
202 to the workhouse
97 to industrial schools
107 to homes and institutions
17 emigrated
3 went to prison
6,700 went to be errand boys and messengers
547 went to be clerks
134 are accounted for as pages
1 went to be a billiard marker
3 went to be jockeys
2 to be tennis markers
32 to be waiters
1 to be a rent collector

Some of the 'trades' are rather curious:
1 went to be a bird scorer
1 took to plant dropping
1 is put down as a fly paper maker
7 as managers
1 as a milliner
2 as pigkeepers
1 as tape dresser
2 as crossing sweepers
5 as undertakers
5 figure as 'guides of the blind'
1 as dustman
20 as catsmeat vendors
1 as a tinker
268 minstrels and mousetrap makers
11 boys are designated wood carvers
1 watermark artist
46 became photographers
13 became opticians
7 taking to organ grinding
8 to organ building
1 to organ tuning
31 to piano making
2 to piano tuning
7 as musicians
206 telegraph boys
39 postmen
25 went into the Civil Service
80 went to the railways
2 to the tramways
635 printers
217 became butchers
126 cabinet makers
52 painters
123 plumbers
120 hairdressers and
202 bakers.

The girls leaving from the same dasses totalled 50,490.
4,214 domestic servants
1,081 dressmakers
380 teachers
228 shop girls
230 tailoresses
231 warehouse girls
Toy making, ticket writing, typewriting, tie making, telegraph operating, match making, paper bag making, purse making and the various factories all accounted for small numbers.
Among the curious trades
1 to tooth making
11 guides to blindmen
2 catsmeat vending
1 caravan
3 almond roasting
1 more ambitious is described as an 'elocutionist'
18 went on the stage
one became a miniature portrait painter
1 an artists model
5 went to colleges
Cooking seems to be decidedly unpopular with the growing girls of the generation.
1 figures as a cook
2 as barmaids
10 gain a living by dyeing, and
1 a map painter.
1 went on the railway
1 took to stain dressing
4 to pipe making
1 to manufacture of powder puffs
1 set up as newsagent
81 took to Nursing
34 went into offices
40 got employment as clerks
17 procured appointments as cashiers
68 went into the Civil Service.
These are the 'upper' succles of the Board School.

In the lower: 10 girls became costermongers
1 took to cleaning
21 to baby minding
1 to caning chairs
1 to cork sorting,
5 to farm work
1 to fish curing
31 to hawking
5 to ironing
8,437 remained at home.

Having given these figures, a further list is added of scholars of the 'upper standards',. those who have passed Standard V, and upwards. The boys accounted for in this return number 18,926 and comparing this list with the previous one, it would seem to show that the better education leads to better employment.
5,723 to office and messenger boys
3 are put down as accountants
10 as architects
3 auctioneers
44 electricians 184 engineers
16 engravers
4 journalists
15 library attendants
10 lithographers
5 musicians
6 to ordnance survey
57 took scholarships
4 to the Army
1 to the Navy
25 to the Civil Service
515 Clerks
85 became 'counter skippers', in drapers shops
132 became carpenters
92 cabinet makers
197 butchers
14 bicycle makers
26 blacksmiths
65 bookbinders
57 box makers
30 gardeners
635 into printing

The girls of the same classes numbered 17,621, of whom 6,451 remained at home.
369 teachers
159 tailoring
3,278 went into service
222 became shopgirls
8 telegraph operators
23 office girls
993 dressmakers
52 drapers assistants
77 civil servants
3 barmaids
54 to bookbinding
62 bookfolding
88 bookmaking
88 to bottlewashing
16 went on the stage
6 figure as dancers
1 is put down as employed in the Royal Arsenal Laboratory.

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