Village Life
in 1911
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H.M. Inspector, Mr. Fishwick, came to the Council Schools on Friday last. Not more than half the children were present, the others having gone acorning. Mr. Fishwick examined those present, and expresses himself as well satisfied with the work of the children.
Children playing by the Bull on Turnpike Road
A somewhat remarkable incident, which unhappily resulted in serious injury to a three-year-old girl, the daughter of Mr and Mrs Oliver Cooke, happened at the mill Cottages on Thursday last. The little girl was with her grandfather, Mr E. Cooke, who had just loosened his dog to chase a rat. The child was timid and clutched her grandfather's leg. The dog, one of the Airedale breed, resented this affection towards his master and jumped at the child, knocked her down then siezed her face, and with its teeth tore open the flesh near her eye and across the forehead. The unfortunate little girl was taken to the surgery at Woburn and Dr. Smith sewed up the torn Flesh with several stitches. So far the child has shown progress towards recovery, although her injuries were of a serious nature.