Village Life
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The following reports of events in Husborne Crawley, appeared in the Bedfordshire Times during the year of 1917.
Trooper Jack Beavington, Highfields Farm, home on 10 days' leave, has returned to France this week. He has been overseas 12 months, and brings cheering news of a number of other local lads with the Beds Yeomanry, which he joined soon after the war broke out.

Horace Dove, Australian Artillery, is home on sick leave, after a short stay in Hospital, with septic feet. He left the village for the Commonwealth nearly five years ago. After three years' successful work in the Colony, part of which was spent with Thomas Askew on his "Ridgemount Farm", he volunteered for the overseas expedition. He was trained at Melbourne and after spending a few weeks in Egypt landed at Marseilles. He served with his battery both at Ypes and on the Somme until his feet, suffering first from chills and afterwards septic poisoning neccessitated special hospital treatment. He has enjoyed his life in the Colony, and also in the Army and has developed into a big strong fellow. He was warmly welcomed by his friends, and, asked whether he would return to the Colony after the war, said he strongly hoped to do so, as labour, hours and pay were good.
Private Fredrick William Peppitt
A further letter has been received by Mrs Peppitt from a Red Cross section stating that her husband's remains had been decently interred. On Sunday the Vicar made sympathetic reference to the event and the church bells rang half muffled at the services. The deceased, who was trained with the Beds. Regiment, was attached to the engineers on arrival in France. He was killed by a shell while laying wire on the 3rd inst.
Three more village lads, who have been waiting to reach the age limit - Charles Peacock, Rupert Pratt and Bert Stapleton, have joined the Army. They belong to families who have already contributed sons to the services. Two married men, Messrs C. Pearce and Joseph Sibley, have presented themselves, and the former, owing to the nature of his work, was sent back for a further waiting period.