Barnwell Brothers
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In the following year the church clock and memorial board were installed in his memory at the church and the following report appeared in the newspapers.
Sunday, 15th October 1933, afternoon found a crowded Parish Church at Husborne Crawley for the dedication of the new clock and chimes installed in memory of the late Mr C A Barnwell, Vicar's warden for twenty-eight years, and his brothers, George and Frank, choirmen and sidesmen, all three of whom were known throughout the county as "The Cricketing Brothers". Archdeacon A H Parnell, of St Albans, was responsible for the dedication.

The service opened with a few words from the Vicar, (Rev Rust) who explained that the whole of the money required for the scheme had been raised. The hymn ' O God Our Help in Ages Past' was sung, and the vicar and Archdeacon walked to the north entrance beneath the belfry, where the memorial board was unveiled and the clock started. After dedication prayers the chimes rang out clearly and the clock struck the hour of three.