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Agent Denis Barrett
Denis Barrett was an F Section wireless operator who undertook two missions into Occupied France. He was captured in July, 1944, on his second mission and was killed at Buchenwald Concentration Camp.
These items, relating to Denis Barrett, are on display in the Imperial War Museum in London and include the following:
Sketch of Barrett made in Buchenwald camp shortly before his execution.

Letters sent by F Section to Barrett`s relatives, while he was in France. The letter, dated 14th. July, 1944, was sent the day after he was captured and states that he was well.

Telegrams sent by Barrett after his return to England from his first mission.

Barrett`s codes and signals instructions:
‘Q’ codes sheets, ‘one time pads’, silk codes.

Amongst Barrett’s false papers are included:
a. Identity card.
b. Forged labour exemption certificate.
c. Army demobilisation certificate.
d. Residential certificate.
e. Correspondence to be used as part of his cover story & work permit.