Spirit of Aerial Combat

Hanging in the main stairwell this mural was presented to the School by Sgt P. C. Sanders of the United States Airforce based at Harrington Airfield during the second world war.
Click on here for full story


During 1939-40 children from London were evacuated to more rural area. Clipston had approximately 30 children sent to the village. With them came two teachers; Miss Gillet and Mr Davidson (who was lucky enough to lodge at the ‘Red Lion’).
The school canteen became a classroom at this time, and the other classes were made larger because of the evacuees from Clipston and surrounding villages.

Les Shields an evacuee sent to Clipston in 1940,has kept in touch with the friends he made during his time here.

(click here for his account)

Flag Days

Children in school were kept aware of what was happening in the war effort by various Flag Days, such as Battleship Day and Aeroplane Day. On these days children would donate a penny or two for the cause.

Film Shows

Occasionally someone from either the Ministry of Education or the War department would come to the school and bring a portable film projector and show propaganda films which helped to boost the moral of the children.

Fund Raising and Awareness

Mrs Halestrap (the Headmasters wife) ran a Red Cross stall on Fridays from their garage on Harborough Road. Local produce was sold in aid of the charity.


(Recycling isn’t new!)

Children were enrolled as COGS to salvage and recycle such things as paper, rags, bones, rubber and metal to help with the war effort so nothing was wasted.Certificates were issued to children taking part in this very worthwhile project