Spinney Pool - the history
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Spinney Pool was situated on the left side of Billington Road just past Pages Park. It was formed when the water table rose in a sand pit which, between 1850 and 1920 had been worked by J. Arnold and Sons. In 1921 Ray Willis (father of local historian Viv Willis),together with a partner rented the lake, built facilities and formed Leighton Buzzard Swimming Club.

The 'pool' was 300 yards long, 40 feet deep and one of the finest natural pools in the Midlands. There was a diving board over 30 feet high with 6 stages and a springboard, facilities for water polo and two special 'cribs' for non swimmers.These were wooden structures with sides and a floor which protected non swimmers from the hazards of the shifting bottom and sandstone shelves .

It is said that 2 people died every year in the Spinney Pool, mainly becoming trapped under the huge sandstone ledges which are a feature of sand pits. After the war the water level dropped and the pool dried out. It was filled with household rubbish and now there is no evidence that it ever existed.

to Swimming Early years.