Phillippa Wills talking about her time in the ladies supporters group.
Click here for the full interview text.
In 1968 Chairman Syd Dytham appealed to the ladies supporters - wives and mothers ot the bandsmen - to organise themselves into a ladies committee, with a view to help with the fundraising, after an all time low in the cash and expense department.

The ladies agreed more could be done for the WTB and in their first three years made their mark on the band's finances. Outstanding repairs on instruments could be done and a target for new uniforms was set. They organised cake stalls, jumble sales and bazaars. Their Old Time Dances and Sequence Dances prooved to be a great success.

Above: St.Georges Fete in 1968. Barbara Mead offers button holes to Maisie Sharp,Sheila Massey and Phillippa Wills.

Below: Ladies supporters organise a raffle to raise extra funds with Phillippa Wills on the far right.

Above: The present uniforms dating from
the 27. May 1983

Left: The first new uniforms. A 'Thank You"-Concert was given on the 28.10.1974.

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