The band has not changed very much after all these years. It has had its share of ups and downs that come with being a Brass Band. A few other Brass Bands may have stopped existing due to other commitments by its members and the problems with getting younger people interested in Brass Music - but the outlook for theWTB is still good, providing the band can retain the numbers of players they have at present, and that their youngsters continue to show so much promise. The WTB still provides for learners. Anyone over the age of eight will be accepted for free training. They will be provided with an instrument of their choice, subject to availability. Practice nights are Mondays and Thursdays at the Community Centre in Wolverton at 8 pm.
In recent years the WTB has formed a Ten Piece Ensemble to showcase their best players, and to provide a band for smaller events. The type of engagements undertaken by the Ten Piece Ensemble are presentations, open days, wedding receptions, small fetes, garden parties or any event they are needed for. The band provided the musical setting at the official opening of Wolverton's new square. The WTB still performs at the annual Lantern Festival of Wolverton and the carol singing at Christmas. They'll also give a Christmas concert in December in the Community Centre in Wolverton. With no financial backing the WTB still supports itself by its own hard work and the help of the local people.
In October 2000 the Wolverton Town Band gave a concert at St. Mary's Church in Haversham with Bill Holding (photo above) as the conductor. It was a very enjoyable evening and it was greatly appreciated that Bill Holding introduced every piece of music with a little comment of his own. The music ranged from classic to pop, film and stage music, an overture, march music, hymn and three solos - all of them superbly performed.