Battle of Bosworth
The Battle of Bosworth , fought over two hours at Ambion Hill , on 22nd August 1485 was the last campaign in the Wars of the Roses. Richard III had become an unpopular king. Sir Humphrey Stafford (Lord of the Manor ,Milton Keynes 1450) was amongst his loyal supporters for the Yorkist cause. At the moment of collision on Ambion Hill, one -third of the royal army disobeyed the order to advance, and another third, on drawing near the field, joined the enemy. As Richard's support ebbed away he dived into the thick of battle, coming within a swords length of Henry Tudor before he was cut down. Henry(Lord of the Lancasters) took the crown to become King Henry VII , the first Tudor King of England. Richard III's naked body was displayed for two days at Greyfriars. Sir Humphrey Stafford with his brother Thomas , and Francis Lord Lovell , amongst others, fled to St. John near Colchester in Essex. When Henry Tudor marched north , Sir Humphrey came out of hiding and attempted to raise the country against him. Henry Tudor forcibly took Sir Humphrey from sanctaury and he was executed for treason at Tyburn in 1486. He was later buried at Greyfriars' in Leicester.
In the famous Ballad of Bosworth Sir Humphrey Stafford is mentioned as a supporter of King Richard III in stanza 74 ~
....Sir Thomas North with royaltye,

& alsoe Sir John of Babington,

Sir Hemphrey Stafford sware certainelye

that King Richard shold keepe his crowne.....

A well known quote ...My kingdom , my kingdom for a horse"...

Richard III