The land that thecentre:mk now stands on used to be farmland. In 1967 it was purchased by the Milton Keynes Development Corporation, under Compulsory Purchase Orders.

An indoor shopping centre was still a quite new idea in the UK when the designers of the centre began work in Milton Keynes. The designers opted for the opposite look to other shopping buildings, like Peterborough, who had chosen a kind of 'Aladdin's Cave' look with people not being able to see in, but inside, they would be in a huge open space with sunlight shining through the roof.

Photo reproduced by kind permission of Milton Keynes City Discovery Centre
The bare patch of land above would later become the shopping centre. The photo on the right shows the West end Extension, in the year 2000.
Lloyds Court under construction. In the background is the shopping centre building also under construction. The roundabout in the foreground is the junction of Secklow Gate with H5 Portway.
Photo reproduced by kind permission Milton Keynes City Discovery Centre
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