Reverend Guest - Married Life

In 1916 whilst visiting his Mother's grave in Eastbourne on Holiday Reverend Guest met his future wife. She was a Miss Dorothy Cook from Bournemouth and a lot younger than Reverend Guest. They were married in less than three weeks and the marriage was to last 10 years.
They were to have three children between them, two boys and a girl. The eldest boy was named Castell Frank (after the french side of the family), the daughter was Betty, and the youngest son was named after his father Allan Newman.
Unfortunately, due to his lack of experience with women, Reverend Guest and his wife were unable to maintain their relationship and this deteriorated to the stage that Mrs Guest upped and left taking their eldest son with her. Reverend Guest was upset by this but due to his vows never divorced his wife.
He looked after the remaining children in the best way he possibly could but the conditions that they lived in were very Victorian and Spartan. He employed a housekeeper who did the best with what was on offer. On occasions the children went to their mother's on holiday but this had to be arranged through the housekeeper without Reverend Guest knowing.
He imparted much of his knowledge to his children including his love for music. Every day at 4.30p.m. both children had a music lesson and it was only if they were ill that they were able to miss a session.
He was even known to get the children out of bed to show them the stars and constellations, because Astronomy was also a favourite subject of his.

Pictured above is Reverend Guest with Betty & Newman (as he was called)
Pictured above is Reverend Guest with his eldest son Castell Frank.
The Guest family also owned a pony which escaped many a time and would wonder around the local countryside until they could round it up and bring it back home.
Reverend Guest and his youngest son were to have many adventures of their own!!
Mr Guest Jnr remembers one time when they had missed the last train back to New Bradwell and because money was so scarce they sought refuge in the local police station for the night. Mr Guest Jnr was only about ten at the time and was worried that he was going to be locked in, but once he was reassured no-one was going to do so he went to sleep. In the morning the duty officer brought them a warm drink and on the way out Reverend Guest threw a coin on the desk to thank them for their hospitality!! What an adventure to have not many children could boast about that one!!
Pictured above Reverend Guest with Allan Newman Guest Jnr in Eastbourne.
Mr Guest Jnr felt that even though his father seemed extremely eccentric he was a very intelligent man who was misunderstood by many and this was a great shame.Reverend Guest gave to his children an extraordinary childhood life, and Mr Guest Jnr looks back on his childhood with great nostalgia.

The following is an account from two ladies who lived opposite Revd Guest and what he meant to them.
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