The class of '99 in informal dress at the end of year picnic before graduating to the Middle School. These were the first pupils to leave the school.
Click here to see maps of Loughton in 1900 and 2000
Click here to see the construction of Loughton Manor First School
Loughton Manor First School, Spring 2000.
A Day in The Life of a Year 2000 Schoolchild
8.45am School doors open.
Reading books are changed.
8.55am Class registers and lunch registers are taken.
9.05am Lessons begin. Usually, mornings consist of an hour of Numeracy and an hour of Literacy.
10.00am School assembly in the hall. Part-time Early Year's playtime during assembly.
10.15am Playtime (full-time children).
Full-time Early Years and Year 1 use the semi-circular playground at the back of the school.
Years 2 and 3 use the rectangular playground at the front of the school.
One adult is on duty in each playground.
Wet playtimes children gather in the hall for action songs and rhymes.
10.30am Lessons (Numeracy or Literacy)
12.00pm Lunch - children either have hot dinners served in the hall or a packed lunch in their classroom (or in fine weather outside on picnic benches). After lunch it is outside play, or if wet, they return to their classroom for free drawing.
1.00 pm Lessons such as I.T., Science, R.E., Art, Music, P.E., Design and Technology, Geography and History.
3.00 pm Home time.
Click here to see Year Two's Victorian Experience
Early years children learn through role play.
Our Golden Rules
We are kind and thoughtful.
We behave politely towards everybody
We are gentle in our words and in our actions
We care for the safety of others at all times
We walk quietly to school
We come to school to learn and work.
We look after equipment and resources.
Year one children at work in their classroom