School Log Books 1960 - 1974

Mr I V Pammenter was Headmaster from 1964 - 1992

1963 Swimming Pool was built with the help of fundraising from parents, with changing rooms added in 1964.

1967 410 pupils with classes of almost 50 children despite addition of more temporary class rooms. Overcrowding due to development of several housing estates in the village.

1967 John Hampden School opened on Wharf Road site leaving 240 Juniors with more space. More sophisticated audio-visual equipment provided to bring teaching into line with current educational thought.

Excerpt taken from 'The New History of Wendover" Summary section written by Mr I V Pammenter, Headmaster.

16th January 1974 Mr Long is on a course at Missenden Abbey.

23rd January 1974 Final tests of selection procedure for secondary schools.

16th January 1974 A parent/teacher dance was held at the Memorial Hall, School teams ran in the first Area Cross Country Meeting. Both boys & girls finished 2nd out of 8 schools.

3rd April 1974 Choir sang at Winterton House

4th April 1974 Four children took Grade 2 Violin Tests

30th April 1974 3rd Year children visited Hampton Palace

9th May 1974 4th Year Group visited the National History Museum

16th May 1974 The school building was auctioned by Messrs. Hamlet & Rafferty at Princes Risborough. It was sold for the sum of £37,000 to The Cottage Men

4th June 1974 A party led by the Headmaster with Miss Price and Mrs Rouse left for Field Study visit to Holford Youth Hostel, Somerset

11th June 1974 Area Music Festival at John Colet School

20th June 1974 A party left with Mr Long for Field Study visit to Borth Youth Hostel.

24th June 1974 Choir and Instrumentalists entertained at John Hampden School

25th June 1974 School team beat the teachers at cricket, the 2nd year visited Whipsnade Zoo

28th June 1974 Mr D Williams, Headmaster of Halton School judged the finals of the verse speaking competitions

1st July 1974 Mrs Needham's class visited Sulgrave Manor

2nd July 1974 Staff meeting at 3.30pm about the new building

3rd July 1974 An Open Evening for parents of top year children, including exhibitions and entertainment

8th July 1974 School was opened this evening in order that any old pupils could pay a last visit. Several hundred people attended, including Mr Pedel and others who attended the school in 1893

10th July 1974 Speech Day, Speaker - Lady Mary Hogg, Preacher- Bishop Williams, a most successful evening

18th July 1974 Party held for 5th year children, first group to leave at 12+, sausage, mash and punch provided!

6th September 1974 Headmaster met architect on site of new school

8th September 1974 Headmaster left for Koblenz in Germany as a member of a party of Educationalists from Bucks, visiting schools and colleges in the Rheinland Palatinate. Mr W T Long in charge of school.

20th September 1974 Large equipment removed to new building

24th September 1974 Headmaster at New School

26th - 27th September 1974 School closed for 2 days, teachers preparing New School.

30th September 1974 Occupation of new building due today. Postponed as gas supply is not connected. Boiler failed.

9th October 1974 Occupation of New School on Wharf Road

8th November 1974 Fire drill held at 1.30pm. School evacuated in 80 seconds.

12th November 1974 Final inspection of the building by Architect. Children have settled down well in the new school environment. Lengthy preparations and training whilst in the Old School have resulted in a smooth transfer. Already all are benefiting grom extra space, warmth, light and ideal accommodation.

3rd December 1974 'Old' boys and girls who left in July visited the New school.

11th December 1974 Headmaster attended Carol Concert at John Hampden School.

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