Here are some examples of the needlework undertaken by the girls during the afternoons. Miss Jackson has kept her needework diagram book that she used at the age of 10, and here are some examples of the work they did. She still remembers sweating over the cotton shirt gusset!
The stitches are so fine and the patches nearly invisible.
Prizes were given each year for the best needlework produced and the school log recordes that on 16th June 1911 sewing prizes were distributed to Elsie Jackson (Senior) 1st, Freda jackson 2nd, and Charlotte Claridge (Junior) 1st, Chassie Heins 2nd.
They were instructed in how to make patterns and sew and knit everyday household items such as pillow cases, overalls, vests, cushion covers, tray cloths, chemise’s, socks and shirts.
On March 15th 1918 the school log records that Mrs Buxton made necklaces from beads and wallpaper - as a varied occupation for infants. These were sold and the proceeds given to the Red Cross.