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The Bethel Free Grace Baptist Chapel
In the early 1840's, two men wanted to start up a new church. They succeeded in doing this in 1843 with the help of a loan of £200 from Mr Daniel Deverell. Altogether costing £330 it opened on the 19th April 1843.

The first Baptisms were done on May 26th of that year, Four people were baptised including William Ratt (who was one of two men whose idea the church was) and Daniel Deverell. On 9th July 1843 a Sunday school was started.

In 1850 Mr W Roberts became the first pastor at Bethel Chapel. He was an old man when he took on the job and unfortunately he died in 1852. There is a memorial stone on the wall of the Chapel today.

By 1853 the congregation was becoming too big for the building so it was decided that it had to be made larger. John Bassett, a local Quaker, granted them a British school room to use while the Chapel was being extended. Up to now, the Chapel had its own burial ground (infact the only one in Linslade) but the bodies had to be dug up, or exhumed, some only being removed days before the extension.

The chapel reopened on August 25th 1853. Three years later, Mr .Benjamin Davies became pastor and it was during one of his baptism services that something very strange happened. (Click here to see a scanned image of the written account) Mrs Harding, one of the people due to be baptised, had received permission from her husband. But as she was about to be lead down to the water her husband pulled out a knife and threatened Mr Davies with his life.

Between 1860 and 1912 the Chapel had many pastors. One such was Mr.J.Lindsey who was pastor from 1863 to 1879 when he died. He is buried in the vestry along with the first pastor, Mr.Roberts. During this period, on November 7th 1890 (two days after Bonfire Night), there was a fire at the back of the Chapel in the staircase cupboard.

During the First World War the chapel had a hard time. It was difficult to meet on a Sunday because of the lack of lighting. This was due to the threat of bombing raids by huge airships known as Zeppelins. It was therefore decided to meet on a Sunday afternoon.

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In 1941, during the Second World War, Mr G.J.Collier became pastor and looked after the congregation for 42 years until he passed away. He had not been there long when it became time to celebrate the 100 years anniversary (or centenary) of Bethel Chapel in l943.
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Many renovations were made in preparation for the celebration. The stained glass windows were taken out and replaced with opaque glass. This made the Chapel much brighter because it had been very dark and gloomy inside. A door was also put in from the vestry to the pulpit. The Chapel was very full for the special Centenary Services.

In 1991 the congregation had started to move away and the Chapel had no pastor so it was decided that it would be best to close it. But Mr Mark Biddle and Mr Brian Green decided to do something about it and open up the Chapel once more in time for the 150th Celebration. Mr Mark Biddle took over the pastorate and is still there having just recently celebrated the 158th Celebration service.

Recently the Bethel opened the only Christian bookshop in Linslade. It is held in the vestry and also has a tea-room.