Agents equipment
This building was tucked away behind a row of very tall elm trees. It was a small part of the Little Horwood military camp operated by Royal Signals SCU1, mainly for training radio operators. The building was devided into two halves. Taking the boiler room chimney as a halfway point, the near half was used for the manufacture of miniature radio transmitters and receivers and was 'out of bounds' to the remainder of the camp for security reasons.

Personnel who were engaged in the manufacturing and testing process ranged from Naval, Air Force, Army and civilians but the majority were Army members of the Royal Signals. Building areas beyond the boiler chimney were used by the conventional SCU1 Royal Signals for

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the maintenance and repair of motor vehicles. They had a large 'motor transport' section, which provided the transport needed for the many local radio stations, workshops, decoder stations and daily dispatches of decoded radio traffic to the war office, usually by armed motor cycle dispatch rider.
This is a stripped out view of the manufacturing area; except that a partition wall has since been built down the left hand side thus blocking off the outside windows.

Originally, walls and partitions to form the stores, component testing, sleeping quarters for guard duty, woodwork and metal workshops divided up this large area. Gone are the neat rows of polished benches and low level fluorenscent fittings (the first I had encountered). It looks dull and dreary now by comparison to when everything was brand new and the outside windows let in the day-light.

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Pointing to the faint image left by the wall which existed beween the metalwork and assembly area. I am standing in the area that was formely used for component testing; it was separated from the assembly area by means of a low-level glazed partition.
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