May Queen's Crown

May Queen Dora Mutton 1935

The May Queen's crown of flowers was usually made by the May Queen's mother. However, when Dora Mutton was May Queen in 1934 she showed great ingenuity and determination to obtain her crown. Not wanting to ask her elderly aunt who cared for her to make her crown she saved up some money and cycled into Market Harborough to Plowmen's, the florists on the High Street. She asked them to make up a May Queen's crown for her and she can remember her head being measured so that the crown would fit properly. She asked for it to be ready at 8.00 a.m. on the morning of the May Day celebrations. On her special day, she got up early and cycled into town, being careful to walk down Farndon Hill because she had poor brakes! Having got the crown she then had to cycle all the way back with the square box hanging from her handle bars, knocking her leg as she peddled. She felt so proud to have such a lovely crown and being the May Queen was something she will always remember.